Tricky Words
In CKLA, the term Tricky Word refers to a word that cannot be sounded out using the letter-sound correspondences that students have been taught to date. In other words, the word is not pronounced quite the way you would expect based on the letters printed form.
Unit 1
a | I | no | so | of | is |
all | some | from | word | are | were |
have | one | once | to | do | two |
who | the | said | says | was | when |
where | why | what | which | here | there |
Click here for printable flashcards.
Unit 2
he | she | be | me | we | they |
their | my | by | you | your | |
Click here for printable flashcards.
Unit 3
should | would | could | down | because | |
Click here for printable flashcards.
Sound Skills
Unit 1
Five Short Vowel Sounds
- the sound /i/ spelled ‘i’ (it)
- the sound /e/ spelled ‘e’ (pet)
- the sound /a/ spelled ‘a’ (pat)
- the sound /u/ spelled ‘u’ (but)
- the sound /o/ spelled ‘o’ (hop)
- the sound /p/ spelled ‘p’ (pot) and ‘pp’ (napping)
- the sound /t/ spelled ‘t’ (top) and ‘tt’ (sitting)
- the sound /d/ spelled ‘d’ (dot) and ‘dd’ (add)
- the sound /k/ spelled ‘c’ (cat), ‘k’ (kid), ‘cc’ (hiccup), and ‘ck’ (black)
- the sound /g/ spelled ‘g’ (gift) and ‘gg’ (egg)
- the sound /n/ spelled ‘n’ (nut) and ‘nn’ (running)
- the sound /h/ spelled ‘h’ (hot)
- the sound /s/ spelled ‘s’ (sun) and ‘ss’ (dress)
- the sound /f/ spelled ‘f’ (fit) and ‘ff’ (stuff)
- the sound /v/ spelled ‘v’ (vet)
- the sound /z/ spelled ‘z’ (zip), ‘zz’ (buzz), and ‘s’ (dogs)
- the sound /m/ spelled ‘m’ (mad) and ‘mm’ (swimming)
- the sound /b/ spelled ‘b’ (bat) and ‘bb’ (rubbing)
- the sound /l/ spelled ‘l’ (lip) and ‘ll’ (bell)
- the sound /r/ spelled ‘r’ (red) and ‘rr’ (ferret)
- the sound /w/ spelled ‘w’ (wet)
- the sound /j/ spelled ‘j’ (jump)
- the sound /y/ spelled ‘y’ (yes)
- the sound combination /x/ spelled ‘x’ (tax)
- the sound /ch/ spelled ‘ch’ (chin)
- the sound /sh/ spelled ‘sh’ (shop)
- the sound /th/ spelled ‘th’ (thin)
- the sound /th/ spelled ‘th’ (them)
- the sound combination /qu/ spelled ‘qu’ (quit)
- the sound /ng/ spelled ‘ng’ (sing)
Unit 2
Long Vowel Sounds
- the sound /ee/ spelled 'ee' (feet)
- the sound /ae/ spelled 'a_e' (cake)
- the sound /ie/ spelled 'i_e' (time)
- the sound /oe/ spelled 'o_e' (home)
- the sound /ue/ spelled 'u_e' (mule)
Unit 3
Vowel Sounds
- the sound /oo/ spelled 'oo' (soon)
- the sound /oo/ spelled 'oo' (look)
- the sound /ou/ spelled 'ou' (shout)
- the sound /oi/ spelled 'oi' (oil)
- the sound /aw/ spelled 'aw' (paw)
Unit 4
Vowel Sounds
- the sound /er/ spelled 'er' (her)
- the sound /ar/ spelled 'ar' (car)
- the sound /or/ spelled 'or' (for)
- two-syllable words
Unit 5
Spelling Alternatives
- the sound /p/ spelled 'p' & 'pp'
- the sound /b/ spelled 'b' & 'bb'
- the sound /k/ spelled 'c', 'k', 'cc', & 'ck'
- the sound /g/ spelled 'g' & 'gg'
- the sound /ch/ spelled 'ch' & 'tch'
- the sound /j/ spelled 'j', 'g' & 'ge'
- the sound /t/ spelled 't', 'tt', & 'ed'
- the sound /d/ spelled 'd', 'dd' & 'ed'
- the sound /f/ spelled 'f' & 'ff'
- the sound /v/ spelled 'v' & 've'
- the sound /r/ spelled 'r' & 'wr'
- the sound /l/ spelled 'l' & 'll'
- plural nouns using 'es'
Unit 6
Spelling Alternatives
- the sound /s/ spelled 's', 'ss', 'c', 'ce' & 'se'
- the sound /z/ spelled 'z', 's' & 'zz'
- the sound /m/ spelled 'm', & 'mm'
- the sound /n/ spelled 'n', 'nn' & 'kn'
- the sound /ng/ spelled 'ng' & 'n'
- the sound /w/ spelled 'w', & 'wh'
Unit 7
Spelling Alternatives
- the sound /ae/ spelled ‘a_e’ (review), ‘ai’, ‘ay’ (new)
- the sound /oe/ spelled ‘o_e’ (review), ‘oa’ (new)
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